Choose a smart title for your videos
An Egyptian popular proverb tells us that “the answer is right from its title.” Likewise, the title of the YouTube video is what makes the first impression of what the video contains.
In fact, creating a perfect video title is not as easy as some think, it is a very sensitive element in the success or failure of the video, and it must be given enough attention in order to perform its task.
I previously wrote an article about the 14 most powerful strategies for writing an irresistible headline, which you can also apply to writing an irresistible YouTube video title.
Here are some tips that will help you write a video title to get more views:
Include the keyword in the video title
Keywords, as we mentioned before, are a very important element in the ranking of search results, and when the keyword for the video is present in the title, this will contribute greatly to raising the ranking of the video in the search results for that word.
The important thing here is to use the keyword in an intelligent and non-artificial way, and that the use of the keyword does not negatively affect other video title functions (such as attractiveness and interest, for example).
The video title should be short and not padding
Google and YouTube allow a certain number of characters for the video title to appear in search results, and this makes it imperative that you not exceed the total of 60 characters for the video title.
Also, the user does not like long, distracting titles, but is more attracted to the short title that expresses the content of the video briefly.
The title of the video should be catchy
The video title, as we mentioned before, represents the first impression of the video, and YouTube viewers love excitement and are more attracted to watching videos that contain attractive titles.
The video title must not be misleading
One of the big mistakes that beginners make in the YouTube world is using a misleading video title to gain views.
We can say that the title is misleading in any case to which the following applies:
That the title contains any promise or hint, and that this promise is not fulfilled in the video content.
That the video contains any incorrect information, statistics, ideas or news.
Use a word of mouth strategy
The best start that every newbie in the YouTube world can start with their video marketing is the circle of personal acquaintances.
Your personal circle of acquaintances should be the most liked of you, and this will make them accept your YouTube video with interest.
They will also help you get more views by sharing the video with others.
This will give your video a splash boost, or at the very least help with a splash boost.
Also if you feel a little embarrassed when you tell a stranger about your YouTube channel.
You are thus losing a marketing opportunity that could help you get more views.
In fact, conveying news and information between people through personal conversations is one of the most influential marketing methods.
When a person tells another person about something, this contains an implicit personal message that means more confidence and appetite for that thing.
Hence, the importance of this method does not stop at simply getting a new viewer for your video.
But this method means getting a new fan that gives you his loyalty, and this will in many cases make him take over the marketing of the private video on your behalf.
Using the strategy to exploit the trend
The strategy of exploiting the trend is one of the most powerful strategies for marketing YouTube video, and it is simply based on creating a video related to one of the hot or famous events at a specific time.
This strategy can give you a huge leap in getting views or subscriptions to your channel, especially if you can implement it smartly.
Here are the points of how to use the trend exploit strategy to market your channel and get more views:
1- Follow the news about your channel’s field of specialization, and try to reach hot and popular news.
2- Choose one of the strategies to ride the wave of the hot event.
There are many strategies that you can use to ride the trend wave, and these are the most important:
An objective comment strategy on the event
Cynical attachment strategy.
Simulation strategy.
3- Make the video and publish it on your channel.
These are the most important points that you must consider to produce an ideal video to exploit the trend
Avoid breaking others’ property rights.
4- Use a title that includes the keyword for the event.
5- Use Thumbnails express the main event, so the user can understand its relevance to the main event.
6- Marketing through other people’s blogs
Contact the owners of blogs and sites that talk about the same topic as your channel, and offer them to include your video on their sites.
There is a feature provided by YouTube called Embed, which is to allow any YouTube video to be placed on any website.
And this is through a special code that you can get at the bottom of the video after pressing the share button, and then choosing Embed.
Perhaps there are website or blog owners that want to enrich or enhance the content they provide with some videos.
So why not try to reach out to them, and offer to put your YouTube video on their site.
7- Interaction and cooperation with the community and influencers
In the world of marketing, interacting and collaborating with others in the same field represents a great opportunity to grow and reach new audiences.
Interaction and cooperation here are not one thing, so we will address each one of them separately:
Interact with the community and influencers
Every YouTube channel should be specialized in a field (sports, comedy, tourism, etc.), and every smart YouTube channel owner must be aware of the community of his channel.
The data collection here is just a preliminary stage to kick-start the interaction, which is the ultimate goal of marketing your channel and videos.
Here are some marketing tips and points for the community and influencers:
1- Make an account switch and use YouTube with the name of the channel you want to market to.
You can do this by clicking on the account icon at the top left of the page and pressing the switch account button.
2- Interact with videos on topics related to your channel.
Interact like an expert in a polite way without creating links in order not to appear as a spam marketer.
Strive to put forth opinions that deserve attention, and do not skimp on sharing your private information and ideas, so that you will be able to attract a lot of visits to your channel, and then get subscriptions and views of your videos.
3- Create pages on social media and also interact with them in your community.
For example, on Facebook you will find groups and pages that talk about your channel’s specialty, subscribe to it and start interacting as a professional assistant to others, and as a result, many will flock to your YouTube channel.
4- Collaborate with the community and influencers
The idea of cooperation can start from the stage of creating a YouTube channel in the first place.
5- You can find a partner who complements your capabilities and skills, and together, you can start a YouTube channel project professionally from the beginning.
6- Cooperation and participation saves a lot of time and effort, and if it is done in a thoughtful and clear manner, it pays off in a wonderful way.
In any case, cooperation may also begin after the stage of establishing the channel.
Here are some points that you can market your channel by collaborating with influencers and the community:
Make a list of the most important influencers on YouTube and other social media sites.
7- Reach out to them to initiate mutual marketing proposals together.
You take the initiative in providing marketing assistance to others to attract attention to your channel, and maybe others will return the favor as well.
8- Investing some money in advertising for your YouTube channel and videos
Of course, here are a lot of great advertising platforms that you can market your channel on, but here we will refer to the ads on YouTube itself.
There is no better place to advertise your channel than YouTube itself.
Many of you are promoting their channels in order to profit from YouTube, but in this case you are the one who will pay YouTube to market your channel and videos.
9- Use the live broadcast feature intelligently
Live broadcasting is one of the great features that has been recently added in YouTube.
Through it, you can record and broadcast directly from your mobile to your YouTube channel, and YouTube users can watch the live broadcast directly, and interact with what is provided in the live broadcast.
One of the great things about live broadcasts is that subscribers of the channel receive a notification that the channel is broadcasting live now.
I will not talk much about the effectiveness of live search here, but I will leave you with this wonderful integrated course provided by YouTube, in which you will find everything you want to know about live broadcasts, and how to use it in an ideal way to market your channels and get views of your videos.
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