Your YouTube channel is the primary interface to your presence on YouTube. You must Q. YouTube to pay great attention to every video that is published, and this will be discussed in detail shortly, but there are many things that must be done in the channel itself, which greatly contribute to increasing YouTube views.
Here is a list of the most important points that you should pay attention to on your YouTube channel:
1- Create a channel icon
It is the small image that appears in the channel in the upper right. The image must be convincing, accurate, and easily recognizable, and it is preferable to place an image at a size of 98 x 98 pixels.
You can hire a logo designer to create a logo expressing your channel and the content provided, or you can do that by using one of the popular logo design programs.
2- The channel image
It is the big picture that appears in the background of the channel, like the image of infidelity on Facebook. You must choose an attractive image that expresses the channel’s activity and what it has presented.
The ideal photo size is 2560 * 1440.
You can change this image from time to time to reflect popular events, recent activities on the channel. For example, in the month of Ramadan, you can make a special image with a design that expresses the month of Ramadan
Also, if you decide to publish a video every week on a specific day, you can add the phrase “every Tuesday” to the design, for example, to draw the user’s attention to the weekly new video publication date.
3- Channel description
You must put a compelling description for your channel on YouTube, allowing viewers to know why they are interested in your videos, and what content you are presenting through that channel.
Write a professional description about your channel, in which he talks about your passion and goal in creating this channel, and how you put the user’s satisfaction at the forefront, and it is okay to put some marketing sentences that encourage subscribing to the channel and contribute to its publication.
4- Adding social media links
Putting links to social media pages helps to give the channel a professional look, and it also enables you to build a community on these social media sites, and then market your channel to attract more views.
5- Putting a special promotional video for new visitors, and a special video for returning subscribers
YouTube allows you to divide your channel’s visitors between new, non-subscribed visitors, and common returning visitors, and it enables you to choose a video for each of the two categories.
You can choose a suitable video to address new visitors to your channel and invite them to subscribe to your channel, and you can choose one of the featured videos to share with subscribers when they visit the channel’s home page.
6- Create playlists
You must create Play List playlists for your channel’s content, so that viewers can watch the videos in succession after the first video ends.
And playlists must be divided so that each list contains videos that are similar or complementary to each other, or closely related, and good titles must be placed for each list.
Playlists help to get more views of each video played, without the need to go to the main player of the channel.
You can include and share playlists on your channel’s homepage. Playlists are great for educational or entertainment content that tells a story via related videos.
It has also been proven that combining every new video you make to the playlist with old videos that are already viewed will make it get a very large amount of additional views.
7- Establishing a fixed schedule for posting new videos
Search engines recognize and YouTube always recognizes active channels, so the more videos you publish, the greater the interest in crawling your channel, the better, and then raising its ranking in search engines, and this of course will increase YouTube views.
You should post new content at least once a week, and your content upload schedule should be consistent.
I see many successful YouTubers creating new videos on fixed dates every week, on an ongoing basis, so that the audience is sure that they will see a new video every Sunday, for example, and visit the channel on time to watch the new video.
If you are finding it difficult to get new ideas, you should return to our How to Get YouTube Video Ideas article.
My friend, are you keeping your focus until now? I hope your answer is yes, there is still a lot of information and ideas that I would like to give you so that you can increase your YouTube views.
So far, we have dealt with everything related to content and how to produce royal content, and we have also dealt with all that has to do with the YouTube channel itself, and now let’s move to everything related to publishing videos on YouTube.
Adjusting the video as it should will get you more YouTube views
The content is king, as we mentioned before, but there is the uniform in which the king appears, and in the world of YouTube it has a very special importance. The king should appear in royal attire in order to attain the prestige that makes everyone respect, appreciate and know him for himself.
These are the most important points that will enable you to put the content of your royal videos in the royal dress:
1- Choose the appropriate title for your videos
One of the most important factors on which you can get YouTube views is your video title.
Before YouTube users can see your videos, they have to find them first. The user will not be able to find your videos except by choosing the appropriate, interesting and attractive descriptive titles.
Here we have to point out that a good short title that appears completely on the user’s screen is the one that appears clearly as a professional title, and by extension, it is clicked
Also, if you choose a title with the most important search words used by YouTube visitors, which should really be closely related to your video content, then you are taking the first real step on the way to getting good YouTube views.
2- Take care to describe your videos
The description of the video is the means or method by which you inform YouTube of what your video is talking about, and therefore it is a basic source for YouTube to classify your video, and then appear in the search results based on this classification.
Also, the description is another great opportunity to include your keywords and search terms, so as to get the most opportunity to find your video.
In the description, you can also put links to your blog or your social media pages, and you can write full texts in the video (for example, in the case of the song, you can write the lyrics).
3- Choose Tag Video accurately and intelligently
The video tag is the same as the keywords for the video, so you must carefully choose the tag for the YouTube video that you are uploading, so that it in turn also expresses the content of the video, and together with the title and description forms the most important triangle on which the success of the video depends.
Also, writing the appropriate tags helps YouTube to sort the video clip and include it according to the appropriate classification, and then appear in the appropriate search results, and this of course increases the percentage of clicks and then increases the views.
4- Thumbnail is one of the most important attractions for your video
Make sure to choose an appropriate image from the three images suggested by YouTube itself, or add a special image that you upload yourself (this is of course the most professional option
(Avoid creating an attractive image, but away from the content of your site, as this will harm the video).
5- Add end screens and cards in the videos
End screens and cards are advanced features that have been added to YouTube, and you can use them in videos, through which you can increase interaction and get more views.
End screens
End screens are a special screen that you can display at the end of the video in the last seconds. You can choose to display it in the last five seconds, and up to the last 20 seconds.
Through it, you can display other videos in front of the viewer, or you can invite the viewer to subscribe to the channel.
Cards are interactive messages that you can create and include in your video content on YouTube, through which you can promote your official website, encourage viewers to take action, or poll viewers.