Does blogging really make money? Many people have this idea of online writing thinking that they’ll get rich quick. Some are still wondering if they should proceed with blogging by creating their own site or publish their blogs under other public publishing websites like Medium, HubPages and etc. Writers who eagerly starts writing online eventually become frustrated when they don’t see significant earnings, despite their efforts.

Does blogging really make money?
We are here to tell you exactly how you can become a super writer with the following tips below so that you can get the favourable answer to Does blogging really make money?
- Titles – Both Blogpost titles and subtitles play important roles in getting Google traffic as well as helping people navigate your Blogpost. Make sure your title tells readers exactly what your Blogpost is about (leave out words you found in the thesaurus or “pretty titles”) and break your Blogpost up into subtopics so visitors can easily skim your content to find the information they want.
- Writing style – Sorry, but if you’re “writing for yourself” on the internet, you’re probably not going to make money. Unlike published writing, you don’t have editors to add red crosses throughout your content and cut out the purple prose, so you need to get it right to get the traffic. When you are Online, you’re writing firstly for the reader and secondly for Google. Yes, that includes poems and stories – which may get you a following but are notoriously low earners if you don’t know what you’re doing. You can write on topics you love, but don’t fall too in love with your own voice! Gentle reminder that your content needs to be high quality and relevant. Writing content can become a tedious task where you begin to just try and reach a certain word count. It’s time to go back and revise some evergreen content to answer more questions and increase the user experience.
- Go straight to the point – Titles and content are just one step in creating an attractive and readable Blogpost. You need to keep the reader’s attention, especially if it’s a long Blogpost – having pictures, videos, and highlighted text boxes with interesting information will help keep your reader interested and scrolling. Don’t go off on tangents either – if your reader came to your Blogpost for information, give them that information instead of telling them about something else.
- Links – I’ve visited many Blogposts where there are literally dozens of links. Links to other people’s Blogposts, Wikipedia, random sites, even links to their own profile. I feel like I’m rolling my mouse through a minefield. If you do want to start throwing in some links, choose only a few so readers notice them – link to your own Blogposts if possible, so you can redirect your reader to your own lower traffic Blogposts in particular. If you really must add links to other people’s Blogposts or outside sites, add them at the very bottom of the Blogpost so people must read all you have to say, first!
- Stay calm – Many new Bloggers see a dive in traffic and assume their work is done for. Wrong! It generally takes 6-9 months for quality content to start seeing regular search traffic, and with time that search traffic will begin to share your Blogpost with their own social circles, increasing your traffic even more. Stop stressing about traffic and go write more content. By the time you’re done, you’ll have learnt a lot, and your first Blogposts will either be seeing more traffic, or you’ll go back and edit them when you realise how bad they really were.
When you do all these right, you can surely come up with a passive income making blog site. Blogging is easy if you do it right and do it with passion. Does blogging really make money? yes of it does! I strongly believe this is the best model for your long-term financial success as a blogger.
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