After we talked in the previous article about the advice that the YouTube giant, youtuber, provided to every beginner who wants to enter the world of YouTube, and after his video met positive echoes among viewers, Felix published another video that is considered to complete the first, but this time it guides you about how to succeed on YouTube and increase Your audience base is on the platform, but before going into talking about these tips, we recommend that you read the first article from here in case you haven’t read it yet.

There is nothing worse than that period during which your channel suffers from a stagnation in the number of subscribers, which is something that Felix went through as well, and this is the reason that prompted him to give some advice to overcome that stage and move your channel to another level of success.
First: Do not follow the methods of publishing large channels
Although the title of the item may seem vague at first glance, it is very important, as you should not take the behavior of large channels as a model that you follow to increase your audience, meaning that you should not present the same ideas or follow the same pace of publishing videos or otherwise, because the owners Big channels are no longer interested in increasing the number of their subscribers, quite unlike you, as you must follow a different approach to increase the popularity of your channel.
There are many ways to do this and the answers vary on this topic, but what matters here is not to follow the methods of publishing large channels.
Second: Remind your audience to subscribe to your channel
This step may seem very intuitive, but it is one of the things that will significantly increase the number of subscribers to your channel, so do not neglect it, and perhaps you may find it unnecessary because whoever will like the content you provide will subscribe to the channel automatically, which is supposed to happen in reality, so this step is considered a reminder not Except.
There are many ways to remind your followers to subscribe, you can remind them in the last seconds of the video, but there are those who do this with its inception, which is something Felix does not like, so do this step in a smart, smooth manner and do not make it seem like a coercion of the viewer.
Third: Show your own fingerprint
Felix reiterates the same point he mentioned in the first video, but with additional things, as he urges you not to imitate the content provided by large channels because the audience will not prefer to watch your channel’s content if it is small than to watch the already existing content in larger and more popular channels. This is why he stresses. Felix on the need to find unique content for you and your personality and finding this type of content is the most difficult step, but in return it is the key to success on the platform.
In order to be able to choose the most appropriate content for your channel, you can present different things and ideas in each video, and then monitor the reaction of your followers to each video and the idea and determine what impressed them the most and their curiosity, focus on it and develop it.
On the other hand, although the featured content may attract you and attract a large audience, its impact may not last and you will find that your audience has stopped increasing after a while, so you should always think about the next step to promote your content in some way, and this is exactly what happened with Felix, as he found great fame after he launched the horror games series, but his audience stopped increasing after a while, so he took a smart move as he was collecting the best shots from that series into one video and publishing it, and he noticed a direct increase in the number of subscribers because this idea It was a creamy and condensed excerpt on the content of the Felix Channel, just like the teaser for movies, so search for special content for you and discover the best way to promote it and deliver it to the largest number of people.
Fourth: The Video or Thumbnail Icon
One of the most important steps at all when it comes to promoting videos, yet no one paid attention to its importance in the early years of the launch of YouTube, so you could see old videos without icons, unlike Felix, who realized their great importance and used them from the beginning, and the importance of the video icon is due to that viewer He will decide to watch the video based on it, meaning that it serves as a video interface, and on that Felix gave an example, Imagine that you decided to enter one of two stores, one with an elegant façade while the other looks as if it is from the Stone Age, for sure you will prefer to enter the most beautiful store even though its good appearance does not reflect the necessity of quality The content inside it.
In order to design icons for your videos, you can learn the principles of using Photoshop, and it is never necessary to become a professional in it. The funny or rudimentary design of the video icon may bring you more views than professional design. You can go to the pewds channel and look at the icons in it to see how simple and easy it is. The application.
Fifth: the name of the video
The name of the video is no less important than the Thumbnail, and to confirm this, imagine that choosing the appropriate video name was the reason that made the Felix channel the largest channel on YouTube, as he took advantage of the release of The Last Of Us game and released a video about it using the game name in the title and became the video It appears in the search results for the name of the game, so the whole thing depended on choosing the right title at the best timing.
Speaking of choosing the name of the video, there is another advice that Felix learned from his grandmother, as she looked at his channel and told him that he disclosed the video content in the title and then advised him to add ambiguity to the title to arouse viewers’ curiosity about the content of the video, so they click on it to watch it!
It is very funny to know that Felix’s grandmother preceded him by discovering the usefulness of clickbait.
Nevertheless, use an interesting and intriguing title, but do not choose a false title that contradicts the content of the video.
Sixth: Change your content
Everything has a limit, and one day you will find that the content you provide will not bring you more success, so do not confuse yourself with certain content, but rather it is always what you provide, and by doing this you will be able to reach more audiences as it will keep your old audience entertained in addition to that it will keep you From boredom caused by submitting the same content over and over again.
With this, Felix has covered all aspects and did not leave any advice of interest to you without being mentioned, so apply what you read in the two articles and embark on your journey in the world of YouTube and good luck!