How to earn money on YouTube? We have a solution to this question with a simple method. This way to make money from the internet is not suitable for everyone, but for a specific group of people.
If you like reading and reading, and you spend a lot of money buying books, and your friends always describe you as a cultured person and fond of reading.
This way to make money from the Internet is specially designed for you and it suits you perfectly.
In short, you will record videos explaining what is stated in every book you have read and every book you will read.
You will upload these videos to YouTube, and then you will subscribe to the Google AdSense affiliate system and start earning through your videos.
Why you should start your YouTube channel about reading
1- Man is a curious being, as he is always seeking knowledge and learning.
I agree with many that our Arab societies do not appreciate the book, and are not inclined to read.
But I also think that people will be attracted to your videos, in which you will present the content of each important book in a simple, easy and interesting way. It will get you a great deal of views.
2- The rule says that demand always creates an offer for it.
But it has been proven that a strong supply that contains value can also create demand for it.
Therefore, trust that you will get more followers than you can imagine when you create unique content, with which you can attract and benefit people at the same time.
3- If you start soon, you will not find real competitors.
In this regard, you will not find little competition, so you will be the leader in this and you will achieve good results.
4- I will not promise you that you will make millions from your YouTube channel by reading.
But you basically love to read, and you read every day whether or not you apply this method.
So why not put in some extra effort standing in front of the camera.
And would you explain what you read to others and make some financial profit from that?
5- In our age of speed, there are many people like you who like to read and read like you.
But they don’t have time to read. And the preoccupations of life deprive them of the pleasure of the book.
And your YouTube channel will be their refuge.
How to succeed in making a YouTube channel for reading?
1- Try to start with popular and influential books.
Books that all people have heard about and that everyone is looking forward to reading.
It is okay for people to know at the beginning of the video how important this book is, and the extent of its impact on human civilization.
This will make them more excited to complete the video.
2- Own a distinctive, unique, attractive and easy style, otherwise you do not need to start from the ground up.
Arabs often do not like books and reading, so you have to make them love books.
Make them believe that the information and culture contained in the books may change their lives.
Put your fingerprint and be the owner of a message in the first place.
3- You can use some fees during your presentation of the book’s content in order to get a higher degree of attracting people.
Get into humor and show your enthusiasm for the book you will be talking about.
Act as if you are explaining a book you have read to a friend with some professionalism since you are not only going to be in front of a friend.
4- You can experiment and test until you get the best results that satisfy all tastes and groups.
As if you display each chapter separately, read some important texts from it, or you present the whole book comprehensively.
Or to talk about the behind the scenes of the book.
Be innovative, creative, flexible and find a way into people’s hearts and minds.
5- Above all, honesty must be exercised.
When you say your personal opinion, state completely transparently that this is your personal opinion.
Put the facts, opinions and actual texts both in their proper classification without confusion.
6- To get a free source to download books for you to read and enrich your channel.
Here is a forbidden and rare books page, which is considered the best page on Facebook for downloading wonderful and distinctive books.
Ways to market your channel for reading
1- First and foremost, you must prepare your channel to be a marketing tool for its video content.
Make all the necessary settings for the channel, and try to make it express your distinction and uniqueness and be as attractive as possible.
2- If you have a personal website or blog, put the subscribe button to your channel in a clear place, and invite people to subscribe to the channel.
Also, you can create a blog specifically to be a marketing tool for your YouTube channel.
With it, you can put all your videos along with some textual explanations that enrich the topic even more.
3- Use social networking sites to get more views.
Your channel should create pages on all social media sites.
And then you post every new video on these pages.
4- Start first with your friends, acquaintances and relatives by inviting them to watch your videos and share them with their friends.
This will give it an edge in the YouTube search engine.
5- At the end of the video, you should invite people to subscribe to your YouTube channel, and like to like the video.
And that they share with their friends through the sharing icons on social networking sites below the video.
6- If you have a surplus of money, you can do paid marketing campaigns, whether for your channel or for your videos.
7- There are many, many services on Fiverr. Through which you can market your video, get more subscribers to your channel and many other services.