Create a YouTube channel YouTube
users can create channels on it, and below are the steps to create a YouTube channel through both a computer and a mobile phone.
Create a YouTube channel via computer
There are many ways to create a YouTube channel through the browser, and the steps for each method are as follows:
Create a YouTube channel via the browser with a google account
Below are the steps to create a YouTube channel through the user’s YouTube account and through the use of the YouTube website on the Internet
- Go through a browser to the YouTube website on the Internet, which can be accessed by clicking on the following link:
- Click here. Click on SIGN IN at the top of the site screen.
- Using the user’s Google Account data to log into the YouTube account.
- Click on the user’s Profile Picture that appears at the top of the screen.
- Choose your channel option from the dropdown options on the screen.
- Modifying the user’s first and last name, which will appear on the new channel, and this step is an optional one that the user takes if he wishes to do so. Click on the blue Create Channel button.
Create a YouTube channel via the browser without having a Google account A YouTube channel can be created without the need to use the Google account details to create the new channel, by following the following steps:
- Go through one of the internet browsers to the YouTube website on the Internet, and this can be done by clicking on the following link:
- Click here. Click on SIGN IN.
- Click on “Use another account”.
- Click on Create account.
- Fill in the blank fields shown on the screen.
- Clicking on the I agree option to agree to Google’s Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. Click Next.
- Go to the email address that was used to create the new channel, then click on the confirmation link in an email from Google.
Create a second YouTube channel if there is a first channel YouTube allows its users to create more than one channel, and this may be in order to control the privacy of the videos posted by the user; As each channel may be allocated to target a specific audience, and this was not possible in the past, as it was necessary to create a different account for each new channel that the user wants to create, but it is now possible to create more than one channel on the same YouTube account, and the following steps explain how Create a second YouTube channel from the user’s YouTube account:
- Log in to the user’s YouTube account.
- Go to the user’s channel list on YouTube by clicking on the following link: Click here, and log in to the account if required.
- Click on Create a new channel. Enter the name of the new channel to be created.
- Clicking on the Create button, the user will be transferred to the new channel page, which can be started by setting it up, and then uploading the videos through it.
Create a YouTube channel via mobile phone You can create a YouTube channel on a mobile phone by using one of the internet browsers available on it, and that is by following the following steps:
- Open the YouTube website on the Internet, which can be accessed by clicking on the following link:
- Click here. Sign in to your YouTube account.
- Log in to the YouTube account you want to create the channel on and using your Google account data.
- Click on the user’s Profile Picture, which appears at the top of the screen.
- Selecting the “Settings” option, then choosing the “Create a new channel” option.
- Determine the type of channel the user wants to create, and then name it with the name that the user deems appropriate.
- Clicking on the “Create” option, then confirm the identity of the user by entering the verification code that arrives in a text message to the user’s phone number, and the user may not be asked to do so.
How to earn money on YouTube users can earn profits and make money through their channels through their account on YouTube, by displaying advertisements and ads in the videos that are broadcast on those channels, and the channel must start to adjust and prepare it appropriately through many things, such as naming it with a name that is carefully chosen In order to be attractive to the audience of viewers, and after setting the channel, the process of uploading videos to the channel begins, and the user must ensure that they upload high-quality videos and attractive content on a regular basis, and put keywords on the video that suit the content that other users are searching for; In order to get the largest number of views for these videos, the user must continue to develop his channel to increase the number of followers on YouTube.
After his success in increasing the percentage of views and followers of his channel, the user can start collecting profits by displaying ads through those videos that are broadcast through the channel for a certain amount, and this requires the channel to achieve more than 4,000 hours of viewing during the previous 12 months, in addition to that it must The number of followers of the channel must be at least 1,000, and it is possible to start displaying ads for profit on the channel by following the following steps after meeting the requirements for displaying the ad on the channel
- Go to the user’s account on the YouTube website.
- Click on “Your Channel”.
- Click on the “Video Manager” option at the top of the screen.
- Clicking on the channel for which you want to enable ad serving.
- Clicking the activation button next to the monetization option.