In a very competitive world like YouTube, getting more video views is more difficult than before. Although this is a fact that may be uncomfortable for some, but it is a fair truth, and with some intelligence and effort, with the help of this article, you can get great advantages through it.
In fact, increasing YouTube views is not an independent process in itself, as some think, but it is a process related to many other aspects, which starts from the stage of creating the YouTube channel for the first time.
Yes, this is true. Each component or component of your YouTube channel represents an opportunity to achieve increased YouTube views, of course, if you can do it properly and thoughtfully.
In this article, I will put your hands on every element, idea, feature, and feature that can help you increase YouTube views completely free of charge, and then achieve your marketing or profitability goals on YouTube.
Really Want To Get More Youtube Views?
If you continue reading with focus and attention until the end of the article, and you will get what you want in an organized, simple and easy-to-apply manner, and above all, you will get effective ideas that will make a big difference in your success on YouTube.
As we mentioned before, increasing YouTube views is not a separate stage, so you will find me here talking about essential and initial points for your channel and videos on YouTube, which start from the initial stages.
Content is King
This sentence is considered one of the most famous sentences in the world of e-marketing, and it is a short but expressive sentence and contains a lot of power behind it that makes a big difference between adults and children.
Content is king, and it will remain king, whether in the realm of written content or in the realm of visual content (that is, videos, and specifically the YouTube videos that we are talking about today).
But what does it mean, content is king in the world of YouTube? And how do you as an aspiration to increase YouTube views by producing proprietary content with which you can garner millions of views?
This is exactly what we will answer in the following points. Keep reading and keep your focus.
What does content mean in the kingdom of YouTube?
Content in the world of text articles such as our article means everything written in front of you in the article, which represents an idea that is addressed or explained through written texts.
In the world of YouTube videos, content means everything that is displayed in that rectangle (this includes image and sound). It is also supposed to address an idea, explain a way to do something or present a set of information.
Content in the world of YouTube is a set of visual and audio elements that aim to achieve a purpose, and because the world of video is a wider, flexible and innovative world than the world of text articles, so there are many options and methods that you can choose between them to produce content for YouTube.
Here is a list of the most important ways to produce video content for YouTube:
Note Here we will assume that you have a pet fondness, and you have a channel or are seeking to create a YouTube channel about pets. (This is just an example. We are pleased to explain)
1- Live YouTube video
This method relies on using the camera to shoot live scenes, through which it is possible to create innovative and rare content that attracts millions of views.
It takes some effort and patience to get the perfect scene, but with some preparation and experience, great scenes can be obtained with less effort.
In our previous example, as the owner of a YouTube channel about pets, you can film your pet playing, playing, and making funny acrobatic moves.
2- Programming YouTube video (such as TV programs)
This method is one of the most popular ways to produce professional videos for channels that discuss, explain and present ideas and topics in various fields.
In this method, one person usually appears in front of the camera to talk about an idea or explain a topic, according to a pre-prepared script.
According to our example, you will produce videos in your channel in which you talk about pets and how to raise them, and in each video you will address a specific aspect of them.
3- An analog YouTube video
In this method of creating content for YouTube, you present your ideas or topics through an analog video, that is, a movie clip as a model or simulation of a scenario
In our example, you can, for example, make a demo clip to show an example of a problem between two life partners because of the pet, and also show how to solve this problem well.
Note that in the first three methods, you will primarily rely on the camera to create YouTube content.
4- YouTube video through a program
In this method, you will create a video using a specialized program. There are dozens of programs with which you can create a YouTube video without using the camera.
These include screen recording programs, image compilation programs with texts, advanced programs for making animations, and graphic programs of all kinds.
For example, in our example you can create an animation video to explain some of the information and behaviors of dog breeding.
Note: There is a difference between video making software and video editing and editing programs
Editing and montage programs are indispensable programs for creating YouTube content in any way.
Video making programs are programs that specialize in creating a complete video without using a camera.
(Some programs of this type are integrated programs for creating and editing videos.)
In this regard, I advise you to read the two articles with the links below:
How to design a professional video (step by step)
Best video making program with resources to learn to use
These four methods are the most popular for producing content for YouTube, but you must understand that there are a lot of other sub methods, and also there are a lot of different ideas that you can use with these methods
Of course, you can use two methods together to get a distinct introduction or ending to your video.
Why is content also king in the kingdom of YouTube?
I will answer this question through a set of data, which will lead us to the answer (the result) logically:
1- Let us agree that what stands behind YouTube is an ancient company, Google, and let us also agree that the main goal, whether for Google in general, or for its giant YouTube project, is to make a profit.
2- On the other hand, let us agree that YouTube users … are people seeking to solve problems, answer questions, or get entertainment through YouTube.
And of course, they feel good when they find a great, high-quality video to achieve the purpose they want.
3- For YouTube to continue and flourish and obtain the highest level of profits from its users, it has to put the user’s satisfaction primarily in its priorities.
Based on these three data, we conclude that content is the king in the kingdom of YouTube, and it is the first vital element on which the increase in YouTube views depends, and then it is the element that you should pay special attention to
How to produce royal content to achieve increased YouTube views?
Royal content is not supernatural content as some people think, but it is subject to a set of standards by which you can produce royal content and get millions of views on YouTube.
This is a set of the most important royal content specifications, through which you can increase YouTube views:
1- Royal content is legal and not contrary to the laws of YouTube.
No one wants to waste their efforts in vain, so a smart Qtuber should start browsing YouTube laws in detail and with interest, and avoid breaking these laws. 4- YouTube video through a program
In this method, you will create a video using a specialized program. There are dozens of programs with which you can create a YouTube video without using the camera.
These include screen recording programs, image compilation programs with texts, advanced programs for making animations, and graphic programs of all kinds.
For example, in our example you can create an animation video to explain some of the information and behaviors of dog breeding.
Note: There is a difference between video making software and video editing and editing programs:
Editing and montage programs are indispensable programs for creating YouTube content in any way.
Video making programs are programs that specialize in creating a complete video without using a camera.
(Some programs of this type are integrated programs for creating and editing videos.)
In this regard, I advise you to read the two articles with the links below:
How to design a professional video (step by step)
Best video making program with resources to learn to use
These four methods are the most popular for producing content for YouTube, but you must understand that there are a lot of other sub methods, and also there are a lot of different ideas that you can use with these methods.
Of course, you can use two methods together to get a distinct introduction or ending to your video.
Why is content also king in the kingdom of YouTube?
I will answer this question through a set of data, which will lead us to the answer (the result) logically:
1- Let us agree that what stands behind YouTube is an ancient company, Google, and let us also agree that the main goal, whether for Google in general, or for its giant YouTube project, is to make a profit.
4- YouTube video through a program
In this method, you will create a video using a specialized program. There are dozens of programs with which you can create a YouTube video without using the camera.
These include screen recording programs, image compilation programs with texts, advanced programs for making animations, and graphic programs of all kinds
For example, in our example you can create an animation video to explain some of the information and behaviors of dog breeding.
Note: There is a difference between video making software and video editing and editing programs:
Editing and montage programs are indispensable programs for creating YouTube content in any way.
Video making programs are programs that specialize in creating a complete video without using a camera.
(Some programs of this type are integrated programs for creating and editing videos.)
In this regard, I advise you to read the two articles with the links below:
How to design a professional video (step by step)
Best video making program with resources to learn to use
These four methods are the most popular for producing content for YouTube, but you must understand that there are a lot of other sub methods, and also there are a lot of different ideas that you can use with these methods.
Of course, you can use two methods
2- Royal content is content that puts the viewer first and seeks to please him in any way.
In our previous example about the pet channel, assuming you are a pet lover, you searched on YouTube for a video that talks about the basic vaccinations of a newborn cat. In this case, what are you waiting for from a video that talks about this topic?
The presenter must be professionally aware of all the points on this topic.
The content of the video is accurate.
That the video contains reliable information as a result of research from reliable medical sources.
The content of the video should cover the entire topic.
That the video addresses the most important side points related to this topic.
I can put many other specifications, but the summary here is a video that provides content at a high level of quality and efficiency, and thus achieves the satisfaction of the viewer.
Note: Good content does not mean scientific or academic content only, but good content is a quality that should apply to any video, whatever its purpose.
For example, YouTube comic channels can also produce fun comedic content, which achieves the purpose of entertaining the viewer, adding a comedic atmosphere for his time, and extracting laughter lurking inside him ?????
3- The royal content is professionally directed.
You are an expert in animal husbandry and you have a lot of information, but you do not have the capabilities and skills with which you can professionally produce a video. What’s the point here?
These are the most important points that will enable you to professionally remove royal content:
High quality image
Clear voice
Good presence of the speaker.
Professional Script.
Professional montage.
We talked about the content in detail, and we gave it special importance in our topic, because without good content everything will not bear fruit.
My friend, are you ready to go to the rest of the topics responsible for increasing YouTube views? Bring your favorite drink and rejuvenate your mind, and come we continue our journey together ☕☕